Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The way life goes at times is very difficult to keep track. leadership forces alot of responsibilities and takes away one's rights. i usually say this alot until i found out that as a youth leader I could not do the things i usually do normally for example..., it use to be ok for me to protest to things from my perspective before i became a regional Youth caucus member, now its very difficult to have an opinion of my own as i am required to look at everyone's perspective and options before taking a stand on any issue...in fact am expected to talk last....and i can tell you its so difficult

I have found out that the best i can do for myself is seek advice from my inner circle of trusted friends who do not feel threathened by my progress and are willing to look at me in the face and correct me in the best manner possible. i had to rely on such advice recently when my intentions were not considered in a decision i took, only my mistakes were beamed upon.

My  advice to my collegues is simply  'Leadership requires one to be meticulous and selfless' , if you can't do that, don't bother aspiring for leadership as your failure will become headline news too.


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