Monday, May 23, 2011

GigaNet Nairobi call for papers

The Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANET), in co-operation with the Research ICT Africa (RIA), is seeking submissions of research about Internet Governance to be presented at the Sixth GigaNet Annual Symposium, held on 26 September 2011, one day before the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Nairobi, Kenya.
Since 2006, GigaNet has organized an Annual Symposium to showcase research about Internet Governance, focusing on an interdisciplinary approach. Prior successful symposia took place in Greece (2006), Brazil (2007), India (2008), Egypt (2009) and Lithuania (2010).
In 2011, the Internet Governance Forum has entered its second phase, after having reached the end of its first 5-years mandate. This year’s event will provide room to discuss the challenges encountered and results achieved during the first five years of IGF. As in previous years the GigaNet Symposium will further discuss current and future questions of Global Internet Governance.
GigaNet is a scholarly community that promotes the development of Internet Governance as a recognized, interdisciplinary field of study and facilitates informed dialogue on policy issues and related matters between scholars and governments, international organizations, the private sector and civil society.
Research ICT Africa is a network of researchers in 20 African countries conducting research on ICT policy and regulation and facilitating evidence-based and informed policy making for improved access, use and application of ICT for social development and economic growth.
Symposium Themes
GigaNet is interested in receiving abstracts related to Internet Governance themes, especially those containing innovative approaches and/or emerging research areas. We encourage submissions on the following topics: 
§  The first 5 years of the IGF: Taking stock and the way forward
§  Developing countries perspectives on internet governance
§  New approaches to theorizing internet governance
§  Between global and local: the question of territory in internet governance
§  Freedom of Expression / Right to Information
§  New approaches to Human Rights on the Internet
§  Internet governance and political uprising
§  International relations and cyber-security
§  Online privacy and dataveillance
§  Cloud Governance
Other proposals on more general questions of Global Internet Governance will also be considered.

Interested scholars should submit abstracts of research paper not later 15 July 2011, through Easy Chair platform at:
Paper proposals should be submitted following theses requirements:
§  An abstract of 800-1000 words, in English, where it is mandatory to describe the main research goal(s) and the methodological background of the paper
§  A one-page curriculum vitae focused on institutional affiliations, advanced degrees, scholarly publications and work in the field of Internet Governance and related issues (for example ICTs).
Evaluation Process
The Program Committee members will evaluate the abstracts submitted and decisions will be sent to applicants by email on August 1st.
Accepted papers for oral presentations should be followed by a full research paper, to be sent by September 15th. Some quality papers submitted that are not accepted for oral presentations will be recommended for poster presentations.
Accepted speakers and poster presenters’ submissions and final papers will be published on the GigaNet website.
Registration process

The GigaNet Annual Symposium is free of charge. However, a registration process will be required close to the event. Please continue visiting our website for further information about registration, venue and accommodation.
Financial Assistance
One outstanding accepted paper by an African researcher may be awarded financial support by the Research ICT Africa. This support includes a travel grant up to US $ 1.000,00 to facilitate the participation of (emerging) African scholars who otherwise would not be able to attend. If available, information regarding additional scholarship options will be available following notification of acceptance.
GigaNet 2011 Program Committee
§  Leo Van Audenhove – PC Chair, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
§  Roy Balleste – St. Thomas University, Miami, USA
§  William Drake - University of Zurich, Switzerland
§  Dmitry Epstein – Cornell University, USA
§  Marianne Franklin – Goldsmiths University London, UK
§  Raquel Gatto – Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil
§  Alison Gillwald – Director Research ICT Africa
§  Nanette Levinson – American University, USA
§  Milton Mueller – Syracuse University, USA
§  Rolf H. Weber – University of Zurich, Switzerland
Schedule Summary
July 15th: abstract submission deadline
August 1st: notification of acceptance
September 15th: submission deadline for complete papers
September 26th: Sixth Annual GigaNet Symposium
If you have any question related to the submission or the symposium activities, please e-mail the Program Committee Chair:

All the best,
Rivaldo Kpadonou