Thursday, March 31, 2011

Commonwealth Scholarship UK awards

Since their inception in 1959, some 26,000 individuals have benefited
from the award of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships to pursue
advanced academic study in other Commonwealth countries. About two
thirds of awards have been tenable in the United Kingdom. The vast
majority of award holders have returned to make a significant
contribution to their home countries, in many cases at the highest level,
making the award scheme one of the largest and most prestigious in the
This prospectus describes the Commonwealth Scholarships offered
by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom
for citizens of other Commonwealth countries in 2011-2012. Separate
programmes and prospectuses exist for the scholarships offered by
distance learning and on a shared funding basis, and for short mid-career
fellowships, both academic and professional, offered by the
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. Please visit the CSC website
at for details of these programmes. For information
on Commonwealth Scholarships offered by other Commonwealth
countries, please visit the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship
Plan (CSFP) website at

W H A T   T  Y  P E S   O F   A W A R D
A R E   A V A I L  A B L E   A N D   H O W
C A N   I   A P P L Y ?
The Commission invites the nomination of candidates for Common -
wealth Scholarships from a number of sources. These are described below.
Candidates may choose any of these ‘nominating routes’ for any category
of award, subject to the exceptions noted. Candidates must, however,
apply locally in the first instance.  The Commission does not accept
direct applications.
For the following categories of award…
• 12-36 months’ support towards completion of either a  full-time
taught or a doctoral post graduate qualification at an eligible UK
institution. These awards are open to those candidates nominated
either by the Vice Chancellor/Executive Head of their employing
institution or by the appointed agency in their home country
• 12 months’ non-degree study in the United Kingdom on a Split-Site
basis to aid the completion of a doctoral degree undertaken at a
university in the candidate’s home country
• 6 months’ clinical training in medicine or dentistry (available only
to candidates from developing countries). These awards are open to
candidates nominated by their Vice Chancellor/ Executive Head or
by the appointed agency in the home country

E L I G I B I L I T  Y
To apply for the awards covered in this prospectus, candidates should:
• Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
• Be permanently resident in a Commonwealth country other than the
United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man
• Be available to commence their academic studies in the United
Kingdom by the start of the UK academic year in September/October
• Hold, by October 2011, a first degree of upper second class
Honours standard (or above); or a second class degree and a relevant
postgraduate qualification, which will normally be a Master’s degree
• In the fields of medicine and dentistry, have qualified as a doctor or
dentist between 1 October 2001 and 30 September 2006

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World Bank Scholarship Program 2011

Are you a national of a World Bank member country? Then you might be eligible for Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program scholarship from World Bank. Apply Today: Application Deadline: March 31, 2011 Applicants are strongly encouraged to use our on-line application. The mission of the World Bank Group is to reduce poverty and improve living [...]